February 16, 2009

fetchPersonAppData data structure

opensocial javascript API's fetchPersonAppData returns an object with the following structure:
- person_id
   - [key, value]
   - [key, value]
- person_id
   - [key, value]
   - [key, value]

This structure retain the maximum flexibility so that it can return multiple person and multiple key at the same time. However, it can easily confuse first-time users of our library if we return the raw data. We are thinking whether we should return a more structured data back to the caller.


   - PersonData
     - DataElement
     - DataElement
   - PersonData
     - DataElement
     - DataElement

AppData.getPersonDatas() returns an Array of PersonData object. Each PersonData contains an array of DataElement. Each DataElement is a [key, value] pair.

Advantage of returning a structured data
It will be easier for the user of our library to decipher the data. Flex Builder's code-helper will be useful in this case. Without refering back at the javascript documentation, user can still figure out the data structure of the data being returned.

It will be a departure from the javascript API.

If you have strong feeling about going one way or the other, please let us know.

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