February 26, 2009

Create Activity feature added to the library

Updated Today (21 minutes ago)by swswsw
The library is capable of doing requestCreateActivity() now.

Example of requestCreateActivity

        private function createActivity():void {
var params:Object = {};
params[com.nextgenapp.opensocial.activity.Field.TITLE] = "test activitiy title";
var activity:Activity = container.newActivity(params);
.requestCreateActivity(activity, com.nextgenapp.opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH, createActivityCallback);
private function createActivityCallback(respItem:ResponseItem):void
// note: requestSendMessage() returns ResponseItem, not DataResponse.  
Alert.show("createActivityCallback.  haderror=" + respItem.hadError());
if (respItem.hadError()) {
// get the response item
Alert.show("createActivityCallback.  errorCode=" + respItem.getErrorCode() + ".  errorMessage=" + respItem.getErrorMessage());
if ("forbidden" == respItem.getErrorCode()) {
Alert.show("user denied permission.  you have to ask user for permission.");

A full sample code can be found here: http://opensocial-tutorial-trial.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/os-as-lib-081-test/src/ActivityExampleOrkut.mxml

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    As the API use javascript and application need to run inside an opensocial container, how to you manage the remote debugging using Flex Builder? Can you explain us?
